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2021-03-23 Release

Front end application: 1.8.19

This week, we release a simple one-click Telegram integration

Telegram Message Channel

Telegram is now available as a chatbot channel.

Head over to Channels → Telegram to get started.

At the moment, Telegram only support the following message types: standard, image, quick reply, and video.


  • Released part one of a two-part feature to improve the roles and permissions within the platform. You can now assign roles upon inviting users. 

  • Each website channel (Converse, Embedded, and Full page) now has its own settings page, allowing you to create unique designs per channel.

  • Refined Microsoft Teams connection flow (update included in the documentation)

Bug fixes

  • We heard you: less toaster notifications! They’re now limited to a maximum of two notifications at the same time and only last for two seconds.

  • Fixed a bug that stopped clients from changing the header colour of their Embed widget.

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