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Overview of your chatbot's default metrics

Last updated: 27 October 2024

Metrics allow you to keep track of your chatbot’s performance. 

The chatbot platform comes with a variety of built-in metrics.

List of built-in metrics




Total subscribers


The total number of people that have engaged with the chatbot. (Includes opening the chatbot and receiving the welcome message)

Total subscribers

Line graph

Total subscribers plotted on a line chart by day, week, month, or quarter.

Total messages


The total number of messages your chatbot has sent and received.

Total sent messages


The total number of messages sent by your chatbot.

Total received messages


The total number of messages received by your chatbot.

Total received messages

Line graph

Total received messages plotted on a line chart by day, week, month, or quarter.


Line graph

Number of messages sent and received broken down by hours of the day, averaged out to the date range.

Average interactions


The number of total messages divided by the number of total subscribers.

Top conversations triggered


The most frequently triggered conversations.

Top FAQ’s triggered


The most frequently triggered FAQs.

FAQ’s triggered


The total number of FAQ answers sent by the chatbot.

Human fallback triggered


The number of times a user has requested help from a human.

Small talk triggered


The total number of small talk answers sent by the chatbot.

Message types

Donut chart

Percentage of messages sent by the chatbot that are:

  1. FAQ answers

  2. Fallback answers

  3. Small talk answers

Not understood messages


The number of times the chatbot was unable to provide a response to a user’s question.

Messages per intervals

Line chart

A graph of messages sent and received over a specified time range (daily / weekly / monthly / quarterly).

Subscribers per location

Pie chart

The split of chatbot users by location.

Active subscribers


The number of subscribers who have sent at least one message.

Human fallback started


The number of times the human fallback process was started.

Incomplete fallbacks


The number of times a user has asked for help from a human but not provided all of the required details such as email or name.

Helpful FAQs


The number of times a user has responded with ‘Yes’ when asked whether an FAQ response was helpful.

Helpful faqs

Line graph

Total helpful FAQs plotted on a line chart by day, week, month, or quarter.

Not helpful FAQs


The number of times a user has responded with ‘No’ when asked whether an FAQ response was helpful.

Total live chats


The number of times a live chat agent has connected with a user after a live chat request.

Helpful live chats


The number of times a user has responded with ‘Yes’ when asked whether a live chat session was helpful.

Not helpful live chats


The number of times a user has responded with ‘No’ when asked whether a live chat session was helpful.

FAQ’s vs live chat requests

Pie chart

The split between the number of messages answered by the chatbot and the number of live chat requests.

Live chat users per location

Pie chart

The split of live chat users by location.

Feedback responses

Donut chart

The split between helpful FAQs, not helpful FAQs, and no user feedback.

Total Feedback Submitted


The total number of times feedback was submitted by users.

Live chats claimed


The number of times live chat agents have claimed live chat requests.

Unique live chats claimed


The number of times live chat agents have claimed live chat requests per unique user (e.g. if the same user requests live chat twice, this metric will only increase by one).

Live chats unclaimed


The number of times live chat agents have unclaimed live chat requests.

Average live chat queue time


The average length of time between a chatbot user requesting a live chat agent and the live chat agent accepting the request.

Live chats resolved


The number of resolved live chat requests.

Average live chat resolution time


The average length of time between claiming a live chat request and marking it as resolved. The time stops when the ticket is marked as resolved. If a chat ticket is claimed and unclaimed by an agent, the clock keeps ticking.

Top links clicked


The most frequently clicked links across the entire chatbot.

Total links clicked


The total number of links clicked across all chatbot messages.

Tickets created


The total number of tickets created. 

Tickets resolved


The total number of tickets marked as resolved.

Average ticket resolution time


The average length of time between opening a ticket and marking it as resolved.

Subscribers per language

Pie chart

A split of your chatbot users by language.

Sessions completed


The total number of sessions between users and the chatbot. A session is defined by continuous engagement between the user and the chatbot and resets after 5 minutes of inactivity.

Conversations triggered


The total number of chatbot conversations triggered.

Active live chats

Live value

The total number of live chat conversations currently happening, calculated using claimed live chat requests.

Active conversations

Live value

The total number of chatbot conversations currently happening, discounting any live chat conversations.

Average session length


The average length of a session, represented in minutes.

Regular sessions completed


The total number of strictly chatbot sessions.

Average regular session length


The average length of a chatbot session, represented in minutes.

Live chat sessions completed


The total number of strictly claimed live chat sessions.

Average live chat session length


The average length of a claimed live chat session, represented in minutes. This includes time that a ticket is claimed but not necessarily worked on. The timer stops when the ticket is deleted, resolved, or unclaimed.

Subscribers per channel

Bar chart

The number of chatbot subscribers broken down by channel.

Top semantic search results


The most frequently triggered semantic search results, in descending order.

Semantic Searches Triggered


The total number of times a semantic search was triggered.

Subscribers authorised


(Only accessible to accounts with authentication enabled).

The total number of authorised subscribers.

Authorised subscribers


(Only accessible to accounts with authentication enabled).

A live count of authorised subscribers currently using the automation.

Not authorised subscribers


(Only accessible to accounts with authentication enabled).

The total number of unauthorised subscribers.

Messages sent by authorised subscribers


(Only accessible to accounts with authentication enabled).

The total number of messages sent by authorised subscribers.

Total Trigger Postback Pending


The total number of delayed postback pending.

Session completed

Line graph

Total sessions completed plotted on a line chart by day, week, month, or quarter.

Messages not understood

Line graph

Total messages not understood plotted on a line chart by day, week, month, or quarter.

Pending Trigger Postback


Total number of delayed triggers pending, broken down by trigger.

Active subscribers

Line graph

Total active subscribers plotted on a line chart by day, week, month, or quarter.

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