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2024-08-06 Release

Platform version: 8.57.8, 1.17.26


  • You can now set variables in dynamic templates, opening up a tonne of opportunities to create more efficient templates. Here’s an example.

  • Access the phone number of subscribers engaging with a chatbot on VoIP, SMS, and WhatsApp via a new variable, {{subscriber.phone_number}}. This data gets wiped according to your data retention rules.

  • Added is empty conditional.

  • Improved the knowledge base full screen experience in the Converse widget.

  • The View button is now customisable on Content and Embed message types.

  • You can now click from an utterance in training straight to the associated conversation transcript.

Bug fixes

  • UI & UX improvements to all our channels pages.

  • Fixed an issue where the theme of a Converse widget wouldn’t reset from one page to the next.

  • Fixed an issue where FAQ names would disappear when used as a trigger.

  • Fixed UI & UX issues with the placeholder bots on the Fallback and Broadcast pages.

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