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2021-07-28 Release

Platform version: 8.20.0, 1.8.38

Short and sweet update today, with a couple of features to make your life easier.

Get on the horn with the new click-to-call button

Do you want your chatbot users to give you a quick call? Don’t want them to go through the pain of having to transcribe a phone number?

Not a problem.

You can now insert a click-to-call button inside your messages. They look like this:

When a chatbot user clicks this button, it automatically opens the calling feature on their device (works on desktop and mobile) and triggers the call. Easy as pie.

Related docs:

Allow numbers and numbers only with the new numeric composer

Force your users to answer with a number, and nothing else.

We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve programmed a chatbot to ask a clear question, one that requires a simple numeric answer, only to see the user answer with a whole bunch of words.

With the numeric composer, you can now prevent this from happening. Activate it at a specific step in your conversation, and users will only be able to answer with a plain number.

Perfect for conversations that require strict formatting or integrations.

Related docs


  • We’ve increased the character limit of the Converse widget banner to 500. Fancy yourself a novelist? Now’s your chance!

  • The To: field in email notifications was often the source of (understandable) confusion. We’ve tweaked it so it only allows you to enter valid email addresses. Much easier to use.

  • Improved and tweaked various copy.

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