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2024-07-15 Release

Platform version: 8.57.7, 1.17.20

Import your FAQs

You can now import a CSV to create a bunch of FAQs in bulk, easy peasy.


Learn how to import your FAQs.


  • When triggering a workflow from an FAQ, the FAQ name now displays in the trigger instead of its ID. Easier to understand.

  • We’ve made the Explode to JSON array much more flexible. You can now navigate the items within the array using zero-indexing. Learn more.

  • With six different types of buttons, the Action bar started to look a bit crammed. We’ve changed it to a dropdown to save space.

  • Workplace has been deprecated and removed. Bye bye old friend. Learn more.

Bug fixes

  • The Date Modify formatter’s UI was all over the place. We’ve fixed it.

  • There was an ugly UI issue with the live chat composer which we’ve squashed.

  • The Converse composer would lose its focus when using its hamburger menu. Odd. Gone.

  • We fixed a few issues with the numeric composer, notably its ability to store password & send files.

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